• TumourVue – improving the accuracy of cancer surgery

    Inventor: Dr Gita Khalili Moghaddam, Clinical Neurosciences Mentor: Bob Pettigrew The TumourVue device is designed to improve outcomes for cancer patients undergoing surgery by allowing the surgeon to identify the edges of the tumour more precisely in theatre, thus preserving as much healthy tissue as possible. A first working prototype has already been built to…

    16 November 2020
    Amy Weatherup

  • Identifying the best markets for an AI-driven medical research management

    Inventor: Dr Amber Hill, Research Grid Mentor: Dr. Cathy Boucher Medical research activities including early research and clinical trials have a high administrative burden and often require patient/public involvement and engagement. These must be carried out in a structured and specific way to gather relevant and useful data. These processes are manually-intensive, time-consuming and expensive…

    16 November 2020
    Amy Weatherup

  • Investigating uses for a new type of polymeric valve, including

    Inventors: Dr. Marta Serrani & Professor Geoff Moggridge, Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology Mentor: Bill Matthews The inventors have developed a new type of polymeric material which has high durability and specific mechanical properties, being stiff in one direction and flexible in another. The bio-compatible materials can be manufactured easily using standard industrial methods and are…

    16 November 2020
    Amy Weatherup

  • Investigating patient and clinician acceptance of different methods for monitoring

    Inventors: Dr. Gita Khalili Moghaddam (Clinical Neurosciences), Professor Chris Lowe (Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences) & Jeff Blyth (GlycoVue) Mentor: Bob Pettigrew Diabetes needs to be carefully controlled, with regular monitoring of blood glucose levels and careful use of insulin. The incidence of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is increasing throughout the world,…

    18 November 2019
    Amy Weatherup

  • Identifying medical applications for a device which can improve fine

    Inventors: Dr Gerald Mako, Cambridge Motorics Mentor: Bill Matthews How to support ageing populations is one of the most pressing issues Europe and other parts of the world are facing; according to the UN, the percentage of people over 65 is expected to rise from 11.3% in 2005 to 18% in 2030 and in Japan…

    18 November 2019
    Amy Weatherup

  • Finding the best medical applications for a new neurostimulation device

    Inventors: Dr. Christopher Proctor & Vincenzo Curto, Electrical Engineering & Dr. Damiano Barone, Addenbrookes There are currently two different types of spinal cord implants available to clinicians and patients. These electrically stimulate the spinal nerves as a way of managing chronic pain in patients who are not responsive to opioids. One of these is very…

    18 November 2019

  • Wireless neonatal monitoring

    Inventors: Oliver Bonner & Dr. Joan Lasenby, Engineering & Dr Kathy Beardsall, Consultant Neonatologist, Addenbrooke’s Mentor: Dr. Oriane Chausiaux In the UK, the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) cares for approximately 95,000 critically ill newborn babies per year, including many who are born prematurely. The care provided is among the most intensive, specialised and high dependency…

    20 November 2018
    Amy Weatherup

  • Identifying the need for monitoring extracellular fluids in brain injuries,

    Inventor: Dr Tanya Hutter, Chemistry Mentor: Bob Pettigrew Microdialysis is a sampling technique that is used for continuous measurement of free, unbound analyte concentrations in the extracellular fluid of a tissue. The inventors have developed a new method to detect several chemical molecules simultaneously in microdialysis fluid. This means they can detect these molecules very…

    20 November 2018
    Amy Weatherup

  • Designing a screening device for ovarian cancer

    Inventor: Dr. Elizabeth Moore, Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Addenbrookes Hospital & Cancer Research UK Mentor: Dr. Marc Bax Ovarian cancer is typically difficult to diagnose by symptoms alone, with the result that many cases are not diagnosed until the cancer is at a late stage. The current blood test which is used as the first…

    20 November 2018
    Amy Weatherup