  • Development i-Teams student

    Development I-Teams student

    A great opportunity to meet people from various backgrounds and learn about some business challenges. Great vibe, great mentorship and food!

  • Nadya Pohran, PhD

    I participated in the i-Teams program back in 2018 and it was among some of my most formative interdisciplinary research experiences during my doctorate at the University of Cambridge — and I think that’s saying something!

    I’d strongly encourage students — especially the humanities students in anthropology/sociology/etc. to look into this and apply.

  • Dr Lavanya Dalasari, MBA student

    Reflecting on an incredible journey with the Medical i-Teams at the University of Cambridge has been nothing short of amazing. From the very first day, being part of this team felt like joining a dynamic startup, all of us united by a common goal to bring real medical innovations closer to market.

    Our project focused on the commercial viability of an early detection tool for Parkinson’s disease. This opportunity allowed us to delve into the current market landscape, understand the needs, and how our device could meet those needs. The learning curve was steep, but the support from Amy Weatherup was incredible. Our mentor, Rob Glen’s guidance helped us navigate through the complexities that we encountered at various stages over the last 2 months.

    A big shoutout to my teammates! Working with such a diverse and talented group has been an enlightening experience. Each one brought their unique perspective and expertise, making our team stronger and more cohesive. I also want to extend my gratitude to the inventors (Tuomas Knowles and Aviad Levin) of the Parkinson’s detection tool. Your dedication and passion for making a difference in the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s disease have been truly inspirational.

    Lastly, I want to thank all the clinicians, patient groups, and researchers who shared their insights with us. Your contributions were invaluable in shaping our recommendations and understanding the real-world impact of the technology we were working with. This experience, along with my Cambridge Judge Business School curriculum, is profoundly rewarding, teaching me the importance of teamwork, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of innovation.

    Thank you everyone on the i-Teams Cambridge programme, for an unforgettable internship experience. 👍

    Lastly, I am going to miss the Monday pizza nights. 😃 🍕

  • MBA student 2023

    MBA student 2023

    Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to research your exciting company. I
    have learnt so much from the process and I really find what Nanomation is doing
    fascinating. Thank you also Amy and Bang for the opportunity to participate in i-teams, 
    and Alex for the excellent mentorship and support with our research, it has absolutely
    been the highlight of my time in Cambridge!

  • Dr. Adelyne Chan

    Cancer Research UK, Clinical Trials Management i-Team, Lent 2021

    I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say a big thank you for organising the i-Teams – your enthusiasm for the course really shows and I had come to look forward to your weekly emails!

    Lots of the things we did as part of iTeams were way out of my comfort zone, but I really enjoyed the experience and I learnt a lot during this time.

  • Miranda Imperial

    Sociology, Solar-powered Water Pump i-Team, Easter 2020

    I really loved all of the i-Teams programme! It was really great to get to explore so many new topics with a team coming from different educational backgrounds. Overall, it was great to feel really supported in the experience by having a dedicated mentor and so much input from experts in the field of commercialising inventions (Simon, Amy, Lara, Berk). Thank you so much for letting me be a part of it!! My team was really proactive and we worked well together, playing to everyone’s strengths.

  • Jenny Jiang

    Flexible Printed Solar Cell i-Team, Easter 2020

    i-Teams is the highlight of my week! I got to establish connections with people through i-Teams I would not come across otherwise — what is the chance for me to meet someone who has decades of experience in their industry and is willing to share their experience for free?
    I really enjoyed working with our team and the whole course!

  • Koay Xian Jing

    Polymeric Heart Valves i-Team, Michaelmas 2020

    Thank you so much for hosting the Development I-Teams especially in the midst of a pandemic!
    It was an honour to be accepted for the heart valves project. I have learned and benefited a lot from it and gained many invaluable connections. I appreciate this a lot and hope that more people can benefit from this program in the future. I look forward to joining future projects as well!

  • PostDoctoral researcher

    Pep2Smart i-Team, Michaelmas 2019

    Participating in i-Teams has been one of the best things I did while being in Cambridge.
    It inspired me to talk to the technology transfer office about whether we can patent my own research. As a result, next year we will be looking at whether we can work with an external company, which is very exciting. I wouldn’t have thought of trying something like this prior to participating in i-Teams.

  • Lindsay Moore

    Psychology and Neuroscience in Education, i-Teams Easter 2011

    i-Teams was a highlight of my time at Cambridge! My teammates were amazing, and I learned so much about business and entrepreneurship. I felt like I was part of an exciting new project and contributing to the development of an important technology!

  • Jing Zhang, Chemistry

    i-Teams student, Lent 2010, CUE President 2011/12 & Founder of AQDOT

    This project was extremely attractive to me because of its potential to be applied in various areas and the possibility to completely revolutionize the current methods of initial drug screening. Working on this project has taught me an enormous amount about general business strategy, market analysis, team building, effective communication and presentation. This has been an invaluable experience for me.

  • George Lentaris

    Intelligent Online Textbooks i-Team, Michaelmas 2007

     I was one of the first students who joined the i-Teams back in 2007. I have to admit that the experience really shaped my career, as I changed professional course and from an engineering student doing his PhD, became a business consultant, and then project manager.

  • Patrick Farrant

    Partner and Head of Technology, Taylor Vinters Solicitors

    Taylor Vinters enjoy supporting i-Teams and are continually impressed by the enthusiasm, creativity and analytical skills demonstrated by the teams. The decisions which entrepreneurs make at the very earliest stage in the life of a business are absolutely crucial. i-Teams’ budding entrepreneurs learn those decision-making skills through the real-life projects they are offered by i-Teams and the mentoring they receive through the programme and gain experience of working in top-class teams with complementary skills. Cambridge is an exciting and dynamic place to do business and i-Teams is helping to develop the future of this innovation community.

  • Dr. Philip Martin

    Partner, Marks & Clerk LLP

    “-Teams is an excellent and innovative programme which allows students to gain real-world business experience. They have to face questions and issues which are crucial to an entrepreneur in any size of business and they can be seen to come a long way in a short time. The structured approach taken to identifying market opportunities identifies new possibilities which are unlikely otherwise to be spotted, and for some projects this has played a pivotal role in commercialisation of the technology.

  • Dr Ruizhi Wang, Abselion (formerly HexagonFab)

    Our i-Teams project is what actually set us on the right path!

    Before heading into i-Teams we were looking into drug discovery as an application area. It was during i-Teams that one student connected us with the biopharma production teams at a major pharmaceutical company. That’s where we discovered the actual sweetspot for our current technology.

  • Professor John Archer,

    Genetics, University of Cambridge

    I usually stick with my decisions once I make them, but the student i-Team made me reconsider my own conclusions and adopt a different approach

  • Dr. Florin Udrea

    Electrical Engineering, University of Cambridge & co-founder of CamSemi

    My feedback on i-Teams is truly excellent. I think they have done an exceptional job. They found new applications for our microhotplates and I am already thinking of starting one or even two new R&D projects in these areas

  • Professor David Russell

    This was too good an opportunity to miss. We recognised the value of i-Teams immediately and were pleased to have been chosen as the first project from outside Cambridge. We have been impressed with the high calibre team assembled and plan to stay in touch with them.

  • Professor Nigel Slater FREng

    I am ecstatic! They did a fantastic job.

  • Jobey Meacham

    Neutreeno (and former i-Teams participant)

    I was impressed with what the group has done so far and the number of interviews that they have conducted, especially over such a short period of time.